Using the legacy Dashboard

Legacy Feature

This guide refers to the previous version of the Dashboard and is only available to those who started using PocketSmith before September 2021.

For the guide about the current dashboard, go to: Using your customizable Dashboard.

The Dashboard provides you with a quick overview of your money. It includes information about your accounts, transactions, budgets, and alerts for specific accounts.

Your net worth and forecast

The net worth and forecast graph displays the total balances of all of your accounts, assets, and liabilities. It includes data as far back as your previous three months, and the also three forecasted months ahead. Hover over any point on your graph to see the date and the balance.

  • Green in your graph reflects a positive balance 
  • Red in your graph reflects a negative balance
  • Blue in your graph represents a positive forecast balance
  • Brown in your graph represents a negative forecast balance

Hide this graph by clicking  Net worth graph in the toolbar:

Your accounts

The Your accounts section lists all of your accounts, assets, and liabilities and the total combined balance of these. Any accounts with uncategorized transactions will show here prompting you to categorize them. Click the Categorise items button to begin assigning these transactions to categories.

Recent activity

The Recent activity section is a scrollable area and shows your recent transactions across any account spanning 14 days. This is handy to spot any transactions that are out of the ordinary

Earning and spending

The Earning and spending section has a donut chart which is a breakdown of your transactions by category, as well as the total expense and income amounts for the specified period. Click on any category to see transactions that are assigned to it.

Understanding your chart

  • Income categories display on the inner ring of the donut chart
  • Expense categories display on the outer ring of the donut chart
  • Hover and click on categories to see more information, such as transactions attached to each category
  • The bottom figures display total amounts for your income categories, expenses categories and total amount left over, respectively.

The date range of the Earning and Spending section

By default, the Earning and spending section displays data based on the previous 2 weeks from your last transaction. You can change this period to whatever date range you'd prefer.

To change the date range:

  1. Navigate to the Earning and Spending section on the Dashboard 
  2. Click on the date picker

  3. Choose from one of the provided date ranges, or customize your own
  4. Click Apply


To clear the date range, open the date picker and select Reset. This will change the date range to the previous 2 weeks from your last transaction.

Your active budgets

The Your active budgets section shows all of your budget categories that have transactions assigned to them during the current budget period.

Your next 7 days

The Your next 7 days section shows the budget events that will occur within 7 days of today. See each budget and its budgeted amount coming up.


The Alerts section will show an alert if you have a minimum balance alert set up for an account, and that account is forecasted to go below the minimum balance. It will also show an alert if any expense budget categories that have exceeded (or nearly exceeded) their budgeted amount. As well as any income budget categories that are under their budgeted amount.

  • A minimum balance alert and an expense budget category that has exceeded its budgeted amount, will show in red
  • An expense budget category that is close to going over its budgeted amount, will show in orange

Need to set alerts up? Here's how to do it: Setting minimum balance alerts for my accounts

Dashboard display settings

The default layout of the Dashboard is the Card view. This lists the different sections of the Dashboard down the middle of the page. You may want to change this layout so that it takes up the full width of the page. If so, you can change to Full-Width view from the toolbar.

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