Grouping accounts in PocketSmith
Learn how to group or ungroup accounts, how to edit grouped accounts, and how these appear throughout PocketSmith.
In this user guide
Reasons to group accounts together
- Group similar accounts together to make them easier to manage
- Group old accounts together to archive their transactions
How to group accounts together
When grouping accounts, it's best to create a new offline account to act as a primary account (scenario) for the group. This step makes it easier to distinguish and make changes to individual accounts within the group and acts as a container for the group.
Once the new offline account has been created, you can group any accounts you'd like to with this primary account.
Step 1: Create a new offline account to act as the group's primary account
- 1
Head to the Account Summary
- 2
Select the existing bank you'd like to add the new account to from the left side panel (you can use any bank).
- 3
- Click + New offline account in the toolbar and select From a file import
- 4
Fill in the account details as follows:
- Set the account name to be the name you would like the account group to have,
- Set the currency to match the accounts that will be grouped (an account group must be one single currency)
- Leave the opening balance as 0.00
- Select the Account type
Then, click Save and continue
- 5
Your account is now created! Because you won't be adding bank files, click the X on the top of the form.
Step 2: Add accounts to your account group
Once you've created your group container, you can group accounts either via the Organize Accounts & Scenarios page, or, the Account Summary. We've detailed the steps for each below.
Grouping accounts via the Organize Accounts & Scenarios page

Then, click Group account

Group accounts together via the Account Summary
You can also group accounts together from the Account Summary. However, if you want to ungroup them, you will need to do this from the Organize Accounts and Scenarios page.

In the Edit account modal that appears, click SAVE

How to ungroup accounts
You can ungroup an account from a grouped account by following these steps:

Editing the details of grouped accounts
Editing the name of the account group
To edit the overall name of the account group:
- 1
Head to the Account Summary
- 2
Navigate to the Account group and click MANAGE GROUP, then, select Edit group
- 3
- Adjust the group name as desired, then click SAVE
Editing the details of an individual account within a grouped account
You can edit some of the details of an individual account within an account group from the Account summary, including:
- Account name
- Account type
- Balance
- 1
- Head to the Account summary page, and ensure that the option to display All Banks is selected
- 2
Navigate to the account group and click MANAGE GROUP. Then, select the individual account, whose details you would like to edit, under ' Accounts in this group'
- 3
Choose Account preferences to update the Account name or account type.
Choose Balances to update the individual balance for a grouped account.
Viewing the balances of grouped accounts
New Dashboard feature preview
- Your accounts widget
On the 'Your accounts' widget, you can choose whether to only display the overall account group balance, or you can display the overall balance and a breakdown of each account within the group's balance.
For detail on editing the widget see: Configuring individual widget settings
Please note that if you created a blank account to use as the group's primary account, this will display as $0.00. This is expected.
- Balance graph widget
If you have the table showing on the 'Balance graph widget', the overall account group's balance will show.
Account Summary
The Account Summary displays the overall account group's balance. Hover over the ' i' icon to see individual account balances:
Net Worth page
The Net Worth page lists each account within the group individually and does not display a combined balance for the account group.
Please note that if you created a blank account to use as the group's primary account, (eg. Savings group: Savings Group in the below example) this will display as $0.00. This is expected.
Transactions page
On the Transactions page, the overall account group's balance will display in the 'Accounts' section of the left sidebar.
Current individual account balances will display beside the latest transaction within each account.
The overall account group's balance will display on the calendar in the Sidebar by default.
You can use the additional three-dot menu beside the account name to view individual account balances
Viewing transactions within a grouped account
Overall group
To view transactions within an account group, head to the Transactions page and select the account in the sidebar:
Isolating transactions from an individual account
If you'd like to isolate transactions from an individual account within an account group, you can do this by using the Search panel.
- 1
- Head to the Transactions page
- 2
- Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the search panel
- 3
- Under 'Accounts', use the drop-down to select the individual account
- 4
- Click SEARCH
- 5
- Click the magnifying glass icon to collapse the Search panel and view the search results
Viewing individual accounts within a group on the Calendar
If you wish to isolate an individual account that is grouped on the Calendar, you can do this by selecting the Account group in the left sidebar, and then deselecting all other accounts accounts and scenarios.
This is useful for pinpointing the account that is responsible for any forecast or balance issues that are occurring within an account group. This will also allow you to add a budget to a specific account within the group, or add any forecast correction events to a specific account.
Importing bank files into a grouped account
Bank files can be imported into an account within a group via the Account summary.
- 1
- Head to the Account summary, and navigate to the group that the account is within.
- 2
Click MANAGE GROUP, then select the account you would like to import the bank file into under ' Accounts in this group'
- 3
Select Import bank file under ' Transactions'
- 4
Drag and drop, or choose the file you'd like to import
- 5
- If you're importing a CSV file, choose or create a CSV format
- 6
- Select the appropriate import option and then click Import my transactions > click OK
Adding manual transactions to a grouped account
You can add manual transactions to an account within a group via the Transactions page.
For all the detail, please see: Adding manual transactions to a grouped account