Using Demo Mode

If you would like to try out PocketSmith with sample data before you get started with your own data, you can try out our demo mode!

In this mode, PocketSmith will provide you with sample data to get a feel for the system. This is a great way to have a go and see what PocketSmith looks like without having to add your own data.

How to start demo mode

When you first create your PocketSmith Account, you will start on our Welcome Page, where you can choose how you would like to begin your PocketSmith journey.

To start in demo mode, select 'Or try demo modes to see PocketSmith with sample data' and choose START DEMO.

When you choose this option, your PocketSmith account will be populated with sample data, and you will then be in demo mode.

Feel free to play around with the data as much as you'd like, including recategorizing it, checking out the Trends page, changing budgets, and so on! 

It's the perfect way to test out things without worrying about making any mistakes with your own data. 


Whilst you will find you can import bank files whilst in demo mode, just be aware that as soon as you exit demo mode, all of the data on your account will be deleted. So, we do not recommend adding personal data or setting up anything you wish to keep in this mode. 

You will also find that bank feeds will not work. 

How to exit demo mode

Once you are finished utilizing PocketSmith’s sample data and ready to get stuck in yourself with your own data, you can exit demo mode at any time. 

Simply click DEMO MODE in the top menu bar, then choose EXIT DEMO. This will reset your account by deleting all data.

You will then be able to start your journey by adding your own data ✨

Already started with your own data

If you have already gotten stuck into adding your own data into PocketSmith, then have heard about demo mode, you may wonder why you cannot access it.  

To explain, this option is only selectable at the start of your PocketSmith journey, as once you leave demo mode, it will remove all your data. 

Not to worry - there are two options you can choose here so that you can also enjoy demo mode! ✨

Option 1 - Create a new Free Account + Choose demo mode

Rather than resetting all of your current set up, you could instead create a new PocketSmith account to upload the sample data into by selecting demo mode on the Welcome Page:

You can create your new Free PocketSmith account here:

Then, once you are finished with the sample data, you can simply delete this PocketSmith account as shown in this guide : Deleting your PocketSmith account.

Option 2 - Reset Your Current Account

If you would like to start again and then use demo mode with sample data on your current PocketSmith account, you can simply reset your PocketSmith account and then select demo mode from the Welcome Page, as shown in this guide: Reset and clear your account data

Making sure to select the option to "Delete everything and start again".

Then you will start on our Welcome page and can select the text at the bottom which says, 'Or try demo mode to see PocketSmith with sample data':

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