Dealing with a closed bank account in PocketSmith
If you've recently closed a bank account that was connected to PocketSmith via a bank feed, it's best to unlink the account from the bank feed and zero any remaining balance. This user guide will show you how!
In this user guide
How to deal with a closed bank account in PocketSmith
When you close an account with your bank, PocketSmith's bank feed connection will still attempt to connect to the account, which can result in a connection error. It's best to unlink the feed from the account and zero any remaining balance.
- Unlinking the account from the bank feed means that the account and its transaction history will remain, but it will be converted to an offline account
- Zero the remaining balance. When your account was closed, it is likely that a final transaction was made to balance the account to $0. However, if this transaction happened as the account was being closed at your bank, it won't have been imported into PocketSmith. Therefore a matching transaction will need to be added in PocketSmith to zero the balance here, too.
Unlinking an account from a bank feed
- Head to the Feeds page ( Manage > Feeds)
- Find and click on the feed in the sidebar
- Click the Accounts tab
- Click Unlink on the account
If the closed account is the only account associated with that particular bank feed, then it's best to remove the bank feed entirely.
You can learn how to do this here: Remove a bank feed
Zeroing the balance of your closed account
- Head to the Account Summary page ( Manage > Account Summary)
- Navigate to your recently closed account and click MANAGE ACCOUNT
Under Transactions, select Manual input
Fill in the transaction details, ensuring that the Amount is equal to the remaining balance
• If the remaining balance is positive, then select the Expense type
• If the remaining balance is negative, then select the Income type
- Check your account balance and it will now be zero
Hiding an account from the Net Worth page
For steps on hiding an account from the Net Worth (Reports > Net Worth) page, please see: Hiding an account from the Net Worth page.
Archiving closed accounts
If you have a number of closed accounts, you may wish to create an archive group. To learn more please see: Archiving and keeping transactions for old accounts