Steps to remove a feed

Learn how to remove a feed from your PocketSmith account. This won't delete any accounts or transactions within PocketSmith, but will stop any future imports from this feed.

Removing a Feed

This will completely remove the feed from PocketSmith. Any accounts from that feed will be changed to offline accounts and, if you want to re-add it, you will need to add it as a new feed as shown here: Adding a feed and establishing your accounts

Removing a feed may be useful in the following situations:

  • you've switched banks and no longer want to try to bring in new transactions from your old bank
  • you've switched your feed to another of our data partners
  • you've accidentally added duplicate feeds and wish to remove the additional feed

If you're not sure if removing a feed is right for you, contact support, and we can guide you.

Steps to remove a Feed

  1. Head to the Feeds page (Manage > Feeds)
  2. Find the feed in the sidebar
  3. Click the Settings tab

  5. Type ' REMOVE', and click CONFIRM

Delete a feed from Salt Edge Dashboard

For a feed provided by our Data Partner, Salt Edge, the above steps will revoke PocketSmith's consent to access this feed and remove it from PocketSmith. However, to completely delete the Salt Edge feed from Salt Edge's system as well, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Salt Edge Dashboard
  2. Click the feed you want to delete

  3. Click Delete

  4. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion

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