Deleting transactions

You may want to delete some of your transactions for various reasons. There are a couple of ways that this can be done, as shown below.


This action is irreversible, so be sure you want to delete these transactions.

Select transactions to delete

  1. Head to the Transactions page
  2. Select the transaction(s) you want to delete using the checkboxes to the left of each transaction
  3. Select  More... from the toolbar
  4. Choose Delete from the drop-down menu
  5. Click Apply actions to delete the selected transactions

Delete transactions with a filter

If you want to delete transactions based on a rule, this is possible using filters.

You can find more details about filters in the following guide: Everything you need to know about filters.

When choosing the action to be applied, select Delete


If you only want this to apply to transactions already within PocketSmith, remove the filter after it has been applied. Otherwise, it will also apply to newly imported transactions.

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