Everything you need to know about using labels

Labels allow you to tag transactions independently of categories. Use labels to easily see groups of related transactions across categories, such as tax deductibles, holidays, or large projects.

In this user guide

Using labels

Labels are an easy way to keep track of related transactions across different categories.

For example, you may want to track the spending related to a holiday. The transactions for the holiday may be in different categories, such as:

  • ✈️  Airplane Tickets
  • 🏨  Accommodation
  • 🍕 Eating Out
  • 🎤  Events 
  • 🏊🏽  Activities 

However, those same categories might also be used to categorize transactions unrelated to your holiday, making it hard to identify the total cost of the trip. This is where you can use labels to see similar transactions that fall into a number of different categories!

If you label all of your transactions for your holiday to Samoa as "Holiday Samoa 2017". You will be able to easily to perform a transactions search to locate all of the expenses related to this holiday, as well as the total of the transactions.


Create a  saved search for each of your labels to make viewing your labeled transactions a breeze! See: Searching your transactions for detail on creating and using saved searches.

Example: Using labels to track expenses for tax purposes

You can use labels to keep track of and report on your tax-deductible expenses across categories.

For example, you can add a 'tax-deductible' label to all applicable transactions. Then, when it's time to file your taxes, you can use the Search feature to see the sum-total of your transactions for the tax year with the 'tax-deductible' label applied.

For more information on how to perform a search on your transactions see: Searching your transactions.

Example: Using labels to track individual spending in joint accounts

You can also use labels to keep track of individual expenditure within a joint account.

You may share a credit card with your partner for joint expenses, but sometimes, this may be used by either party for individual expenses, to be repaid at a later date. You can label any personal expenditure with the name of the person responsible for the transaction, and then add a paid label once this has been reimbursed. This means you can easily see whether there are any outstanding transactions that need to be paid back.

Adding labels to transactions

You can assign labels to your transactions from the Transactions page - either add labels to multiple transactions at once or, add a label when editing a single transaction.

You can have multiple labels for each transaction if you like!

Adding labels to multiple transactions

Go to the Transactions page
Select the transactions to add the label to
Click on the  Labels button in the toolbar
Use the drop-down menu to select an existing label. To create a new label, simply type in the desired label name and click CREATE
Once you have selected the label(s) that you would like to add to the selected transactions, click  APPLY
The selected labels will now be applied to your selected transactions

Adding labels to a single transaction

Head to the Transactions page
Click on the transaction to open the edit form
Click on the LABELS section and choose from your existing labels. You can add a new label by typing in the desired label name and clicking  Create label:...
Once you have added the appropriate labels, click Save and the labels will be added to the transaction

Replace or delete a label

PocketSmith does not offer a specific label rename feature at the moment; however, you can replace labels by assigning a new one and then removing the original label from your transactions. If a label is no longer assigned to any transactions, it will no longer show in the label selector.

The example below demonstrates how to replace a ' lunches' label with 'eating out'.  To delete a label, skip steps 4 & 5. 

Head to the Transactions page
Click the magnifying glass to open the  transaction search panel
Enter 'lunches' in the label criteria, then click  SEARCH

Select all transactions by clicking the top checkbox, then click on Labels in the toolbar
Type in the new label, 'eating out' - then click APPLY
Select all the transactions and click on Labels in the toolbar
Un-check 'lunches' and click APPLY
The 'eating out' label now shows on all transactions that previously had 'lunches'. The 'lunches' label will no longer show in the label selector drop-down

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