Adding your Sharesight feed to PocketSmith

Linking your Sharesight account in PocketSmith is straightforward ⚡️
Follow the steps in this guide to see the total value of your holdings in PocketSmith 🙌 🎉

Adding your Sharesight connection

  1. Click here to search for Sharesight right away or, head to the Bank Feeds page ( Manage > Feeds), and click + New Feed in the toolbar.

    Enter Sharesight in the search field and click SEARCH.

  2. Hover over Sharesight’s name or logo and click + ADD FEED.
  3. Click AUTHORIZE.

    After clicking AUTHORIZE, please read the consent information. From there, you’ll need to sign in with your Sharesight login details, and click SUBMIT.

  4. Once your Sharesight connection has been added to PocketSmith, you're ready to establish new bank feed accounts and link any existing offline accounts to your connections.
  5. To link your feed accounts to PocketSmith, please click LINK ACCOUNTS
  6. With Create new account in PocketSmith selected in the dropdown, click the SUBMIT button.


    You can rename “My Portfolio” later via the Account Summary (Manage > Account Summary). Scroll down to your Sharesight “My Portfolio” account, and click on MANAGE ACCOUNT, then select Account Preferences.

  7. Nice one! You’ve authorized your Sharesight feed and linked your account with PocketSmith Data Connections 🎉

    Head to Net Worth (Reports > Net Worth) to get an overview of your total financial position, including your Sharesight portfolio balance! 🤓 

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